Monday, April 21, 2008

Misleading advertising

I was always a bit of a cynic and the daily barrage of advertisements from various sources has stamped out whatever little non-cynisim that remained. I often turn on the radio during my short commute to work.

One ad that caught my attention was from pacific west capital group promising "total fixed return of 15%". I listened to its wording carefully the next time round: it only promises *total* return of 15%, with not a word about how long it takes to get there. It also touted the invariance of the investment to any market changes. To be fair, I decided to check their website on what it is: It is what they call “life settlement”: you buy today someone's life insurance that will mature when he/she dies. The money you get (from the insurance company) then will be more than what you pay today hence earning you money. Even if you can get over the distaste of waiting for someone to die in order to collect, this is by no means as safe or guranteed as they make it out to be.

All in all, they score high on misleading information. Tread with caution!

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